Benko Gambit
The Benko Gambit, also Volga Gambit is an opening of the chess game, which is derived from the Indian Defence. The Benko Gambit is a closed game. The opening was named after the Grand Master Pál Benkő.
Video Content
There are several videos on YouTube where you can learn the opening for yourself. In a lecture for the Saint Louis Chess Club Jonathan Schrantz gives an introduction to the Benko gambit. In addition, Hanging Pawns has created a video about the different lines of the opening.
Các bài học về Benko Gambit
Học Benko Gambit sử dụng các bài học công cộng.
The Benko Gambit
38 của ArneThis study is about the Benko Gambit. Also called the Volga Gambit this gambit arises after the moves 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 b5. This study has been created by reddit user /u/HenryChess who allowed me to upload this study here. Based on the video of HangingPawns on youtube about the Benko Gambit. Watch here:
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