Hồ sơ của s1re0

s1re0 đã là một thành viên kể từ khi 2023-07-23.

Bài học công cộng của s1re0

Two Knights Caro-Kann Defense Repertoire (For White)

This study is based upon the YouTube channel ASMR Chess's video 'Beat The Caro-Kann and Relax ♔ ASMR ♔ Two Knights Attack Chess Opening'. All lines are credited to him. Find the video below: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOBtrakHcxM&ab_channel=ASMRChess

The Scotch Game: Gothamchess's Potter Variation

In this study you will find the moves Gotham went through in his video about the Scotch game opening: Potter Variation