Hồ sơ của florpo
florpo đã là một thành viên kể từ khi 2021-07-14.
Bài học công cộng của florpo
Steinitz Countergambit
My theory for the Steinitz Countergambit as black
Closed Sicilian
My Closed Sicilian theory
Scandinavian Defense for White
So I don't get screwed over by the modern variation
Caro-Kann as White, Tal Variation
Tal Variation of Advance
Halloween Gambit
The Halloween Gambit a.k.a the best gambit in chess
Queen's Gambit Declined
My Queen's Gambit Declined Repertoire
Caro-Kann Defense
My Caro-Kann study for Black
My French Repertoire- White
How I play against the French