Hồ sơ của Kampfschach

Kampfschach đã là một thành viên kể từ khi 2022-12-16.

Bài học công cộng của Kampfschach

Caro Kann Defence - Complete Repertoire

The Caro Kann Defence is the most solid response against 1. e4. It has been played by many Chess legends such as Mikhail Tal, Anatoly Karpov, Garry Kasparov, Victor Korchnoi, and more! In this course you'll learn how to... 1. Take the initiative Against the Exchange Variation with the Improvised Grunfeld set up! (Against Bd3, c3, and (Nf3) 2. Learn how to tackle the Advance Variation with the Traditional Bf4 and Botvinnik-Carls via c5! (Short, Tal, Van Dier Wiel. Bayonet, etc) 3. Play against the Classical Variation (Four Option! Capablanca, Korchnoi, Bronstein-Larsen, Karpov Variation) 4. Swashbuckling system against the Two Knights Attack! (Four Options!, Tarkatower, Karpov, NEW VARIATIONS - Rozman, Dano-Russian) 5. Smash the Panov Botvinnik Attack with the Fianchetto Defence via g6! and the Classical Defence via e6! 6. Destroy the Anti-Caro Kann via Accelerated Panov Attack with the Modern Variation via Nf6! 7. Dismantle the Fantasy (Maróczy) Variation with the e6! and dxe4!

The Accelerated London System - Complete Repertoire

One of the most intriguing aspects of the game is the fact that in order to understand the London System, a player requires just a cursory understanding of theoretical concepts. The London System is reached by playing Bf4, however the move is also readily transposable into other lines. Either move two, 2. Bf4 or 2. Nf3, has the potential to bring up the London variation, which is defined by the development of White's dark-squared bishop in order to avoid blocking it in after playing e3. Nf6 or c5 are the most typical moves that Black may make in response. Learn how to build an indestructible fortress by using the London System, which will keep your adversaries guessing as to where they should go while you set up your defences and plan your attack. This will give you the time you need to prepare your assault and set up your defences.

Napoleon's French Defence - Complete Repertoire

By advancing the d pawn two squares black poses an immediate challenge to the powerful white center. The white player must now react by either advancing the pawn which will lead to the advance variation where they will get to put immediate pressure on the black king side, but black will have more than enough to put the pawn wedge under serious attack with moves like c5, Nc6, Qb6 and Nh6 (followed obviously by Nf5). Another choice for white is to defend the pawn with either Nc3 or Nd2. Out of these two possible defenses, the first is the most common as it does not block the bishop on c1 and puts some mild pressure on d5. Black has many possible answers, however, including the Winawer variation (3...Bb4), which leads to extremely complex positions (which are usually closed). Therefore the amount of theory behind Nc3 is too big and too complex for the move to be played lightly.

The Jobava London System - Complete Repertoire

Theres never been an opening that's as flexible as the Jobava London System without the benefit of a thousand crammed theoretical standpoint. It's what makes it enjoyable and favorable. This is my favorite opening and therefore I think it is simply the best! In this course, you will learn how to 1. Play the Jobava London throughout your lifetime without having to worry about those "damning" theoretical memorization behind the opening. 2. Have an extensive and dangerous knowledge on the Jobava London's furious attack on the kingside and the center. 3. Have multiple options on every move order. 4.Win a guaranteed Victory! (If not ask for a refund)

The Modernized St George - Complete Repertoire

The St George Defence is one if the most odd and unorthodox but sound opening. First of all black plays the move a6!? In which does not really look like much. It seems like black wasted a tempo and has given white an opportunity to have a very comfortable center. But on behalf of my surprised understanding the St George Defence is actually a very good opening defence against e4. Why is the St George Defence a good opening defence against e4? Well first of all black gets a very strong counter play on the queenside with b5! After e6 and d5. Second of all white does not really have a good response other than just simply taking over the center and manage it. Third of all this move usually just transposes to the French Defence with major exceptions for other lines in which white does not correspond. fourth of all white is going to have a little psychological disadvantage after taking a look at this move a6?!

The Modernized Owen Defence - Complete Repertoire

Welcome to my course of the Owen Defence. The Owen Defence is characterized by the move 1. e4 and of course b6. Black wants to fianchetto his bishop to b6 and keep the tension on the center. In the starting game of the Owen Defence black would usually be overwhelmed by white's expansion on the center. But with proper amends and theory the Owen Defence was once again made possible to play. Despite of it's reputation on the Chess World I do believe that this system is often underestimated. The Owen Defence is a very strong opening in which black tempts white to expand on the center as he should and then slowly but surely try and one by one attack it.