Orthoschnapp Gambit

Schachbrett, das die %{Eröffnung} mit den gespielten Zügen %{Züge} zeigt
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The Orthoschnapp Gambit is a fun opening line for white in the French Defence.

Video Content

If you want to learn more about the opening, check out the excellent videos by Jonathan Schrantz about the Orthoschnapp Gambit.

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Orthoschnapp Gambit
33 von Arne

A few lines of the Orthoschnapp Gambit Opening. The engine may not like it and on the professional level it has not scored well, but judging by the games in the Lichess database the Orthoschnapp Gambit has fared quite well against amateur players with a lot of aggression right out of the gates. Inspired by this short game by Eric Rosen playing the gambit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WEy6DtVBNLM

Orthoschnapp Gambit Fallen and Taktiken

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Orthoschnapp Gambit Taktiken

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Spielen die Orthoschnapp Gambit
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