Budapest Gambit
After 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e5, black has a development lead. In addition, white has weakened its black squares with 2. c4, which is further intensified by the relatively frequent exchange of black square bishops. The Budapest Gambit is played relatively rarely, as White has the opportunity to gain a small but permanent advantage without risk by giving back the extra pawn. However, if White attempts to keep the pawn, he must be prepared for a sharp game.
Video Content
Eric Rosen has created a video in which he talks about the traps in the opening. Simple and Deadly Traps in the Budapest Gambit
If you want to learn more about the theory of the opening checkout Hanging Pawns video with a lot of background information about the ideas in the opening.
Budapest Gambit ile ilgili Çalışmalar
Halka açık çalışmaları kullanarak Budapest Gambit açılışını öğrenin.
Understanding the Budapest Gambit
15 yayınlayan ArneThis study about the Budapest Gambit covers the basics of the four main variations of the opening. For more information about this opening check out the video by Hanging Pawns:
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