Philidor Defense

Chessboard showing the Philidor Defense with the moves 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 d6 3. Bc4 Be7 played
Learn the Opening
Play against Stockfish

Studies about the Philidor Defense

Learn the Philidor Defense using public studies.

Philidor Defense (Hanging Pawns)
12 by wetfart600

The Philidor Defense as explained by Hanging Pawns.

Play against the Philidor defense with White
6 by crushder

In this study, you will find an interesting and an aggressive line you can use against the philidor defense.

Play against Stockfish

Play the Philidor Defense
Play against the Philidor Defense

Do you want to try out the Philidor Defense? Train this opening against Stockfish.

Play against Stockfish either as white or black and explore the opening.