Ponziani Opening

Tabuleiro de xadrez mostrando Ponziani Opening com os 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.c3 jogados
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Jogue contra Stockfish

The Ponziani Opening is one of the oldest recorded chess openings.

Many consider the Ponziani opening to be bad because white “wastes” his third move with a pawn move which blocks the way for the queen’s knight. However, when you meet poorly prepared opponents, despite the loss of tempo, you have the surprise effect and well analysed variations on the white side. Black has to play correctly in order to be able to exploit white’s development deficit on the queenside after the opening has been settled; on the other hand, the second open diagonal for the white queen to a4 in particular often offers attacking possibilities there.

Video Content

Eric Rosen uses the opening frequently in his streams. He has released several videos of him playing the opening:

Estudos sobre a Ponziani Opening

Aprenda a Ponziani Opening usando estudos públicos.

The Ponziani Opening
156 por sobbierel

Learn one of the oldest chess openings: The Ponziani Opening. An opening that will catch many black e4 e5 players off guard.

Ponziani chess website
15 por ezrathescribe

Many lines from the ponziani chess website video, and a few of my own

Ponziani Opening pegadinhas e táticas

Melhore na abertura Ponziani Opening praticando táticas escolhidas do início do jogo. Reconheça as armadilhas e erros de seus oponentes e explore-os. Treine táticas em 2 jogos diferentes.

Ponziani Opening Táticas

Jogue contra Stockfish

Jogue Ponziani Opening.
Jogue contra Ponziani Opening

Você quer experimentar o Ponziani Opening? Treine esta abertura contra Stockfish.

Jogue contra o Stockfish como branco ou preto e explore a abertura.