King's Indian Defense

Échiquier montrant King's Indian Defense avec les coups 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 g6 3. Nc3 joués
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Études sur King's Indian Defense

Apprenez King's Indian Defense à l'aide d'études publiques.

Kings Indian Defense
614 par Arne

The Kings Indian is a flexible opening setup that leads to imbalanced and sharp positions from the beginning. It can be played against virtually all lines except 1. e4.

The King's Indian Attack
17 par DannyBattis

King's Indian Attack with 1. e4

Kings Indian Defense (KID)
13 par Arrimoon

ChampOo study for testing purpouses here at listudy. You can change the lines in the Chapter selection.

Anti London System
9 par endwithff213

My weapons with the KID against the London system

Kings Indian Defence all in one
4 par joeh846539

Kings indian from nklschs @ combined into 1 line in the style of

KID White
3 par lucasg

Dismantling the King's Indian Defense from the perspective of white

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