Queen's Gambit Declined
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Queen's Gambit Declined attacking setup
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Study Progress
Opening repertoire: Queen's Gambit Declined (0%)
Opening repertoire: Slav Defense (0%)
Opening repertoire: Queen's Gambit Accepted (0%)
Opening repertoire: Chigorin Defense (0%)
Opening repertoire: Albin Countergambit (0%)
Opening repertoire: Baltic Defense (0%)
Opening repertoire: Scotch game (0%)
Opening repertoire: Petrov Defense (0%)
Opening repertoire: Stafford Gambit (0%)
Opening repertoire: Grob (0%)
Opening repertoire: Petrov 3 ... Nxe4 (0%)
Opening repertoire: Trompowsky attack (0%)
Opening repertoire: Caro-Kann Defense (0%)
Opening repertoire: Caro-Kann Defense - Advance Variation (0%)
Opening repertoire: Caro-Kann Defense - Exchange Variation (0%)
Opening repertoire: Scandinavian Defense (0%)
Opening repertoire: Albin Countergambit 4.a3 (0%)
Opening repertoire: Benoni (0%)