Profil von itsumogakusei

itsumogakusei ist Mitglied seit 2021-11-21.

Öffentliche Studien von itsumogakusei

samcom italian to pirc

some first lines italian to pirc


this move, Black is clearly aiming for a Griinfeld. He can also investigate 3 ... i.g7 4 e4, when he is not forced to transpose to a King's Indian by 4 ... d6 5 d4, as he can play 4 ... e5 !? with a reasonable position

veresov to end

startin from veresov to the end of the book excluding ind

Stafford Gambit

From First Ever 1857 to modern times some Stafford Gambit lines


The Queen's Gambit Declined has something for everyone. For the bores amongst you, consider trying the Orthodox and Lasker Defences - you may lose some games through overly passive play, but in others you'll manage to exchange enough pieces to draw. The Tartakower and Cambridge Springs Defences are more interesting and complex, while Black can try a Tarrasch formation if he's prepared to weaken his structure for some play. Black isn't the only one with some choice - White can try a .i.f4 or .ll.xf6 system to vary the play, go into the Exchange Variation with cxd5, or fianchetto in a Catalan. In short, even in this one branch of the Queen's Gambit, there's enough variety and potential for great chess to satisfy anyone.


As central control and good development are so important during the opening, mankind would have been forgiven for thinking that 1 e4 and 1 d4 were the only worthwhile first moves. However, the games of Howard Staunton demonstrated another approach, beginning with 1 c4 - White doesn't immediately occupy the centre with his pawns but instead prefers to control the central squares (with a pawn on c4, knights on c3 and f3, and a bishop on g2), waiting for Black to reveal his development before committing the e- and d-pawns. This approach can begin with a wide variety of moves - 1 c4 is the

Italian Game giuoco piano first system

Italian game, giuoco piano, first system namely, 4.c3 followed by an immediate d4

KID Sämisch #3 #86

KID Sämish main ideas with two plans

KID (#1) (#85) RR

test test test test test test test test


An italian game bz vidit and nakamura