Profil von CatalanSimp

CatalanSimp ist Mitglied seit 2021-04-01.

Öffentliche Studien von CatalanSimp

A guide to Catalan

This study is about the Catalan opening, resources of GM Georg Meier, GM Srinath Narayanan and GM Boris Avrukh and few chess videos. Rewritten by me, I highly DON'T recommend to anyone under 2000.

10 Games to memorize

These are my picks on what I should memorize in order to use later.

Prep na turnaj

Prep na turnaj brácho



Flacko openings black

Your opening prep as black

Flacko openings white

Your opening prep as white.

Vova opening prep

white opening prep shhs

Juju opening prep white

These are the openings I recommend to you

Juju opening prep black

These are the openings I recommend to you



Nimzo Indian

You can study and memorise it here

Najdorf advanced

You can train your theory here

The Sicilian

The Sicilian Defense, as white

The Ruy Lopez

This will teach u the Spanish Opening.

