Sicilian Defense

Schachbrett, das die %{Eröffnung} mit den gespielten Zügen %{Züge} zeigt
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One of the most popular openings.

Studien über die %{Öffnung}

Lernen Sie die %{Öffnung} anhand öffentlicher Studien.

Sicilian Defense
67 von Hanzawa

In this study we are going to explore some of the key variations of the Sicilian defense (c5), a very common response to e4 and it is used by most top-level players.

Anti-Sicilian Repertoire
33 von Arne

This is an Anti-Sicilian Guide, which avoids all of the open Sicilian theory, suitable for players of all levels!

Intro to Key Sicilian Variations
13 von Painterpainter

In this study we are going to explore some of the key variations of the Sicilian defense (c5), a very common response to e4 and it is used by most top level players.

Delayed Alapin Traps Jonathan Schrantz
12 von montri

Closed Sicilian
10 von Manbearscientist

In this study I work on my closed Sicilian

The Beaver Gambit
9 von Arne

Opening novelty by Jonathan Schrantz: the Beaver Gambit. A tricky gambit for white where black can stumble into many traps hidden behind natural looking moves.

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