Update #3

Erstellt von:: 2020-10-04

I haven’t made an update post for a long time. I would like to catch up on this now.

A lot has changed since the last post. I hope I can remember everything that has changed since then.

Play Stockfish

I have added the WebAssembly version of stockfish and firstly added the functionality to play against stockfish. You have probably already noticed this feature next to the studies chessboard. I find it really useful for various positions to get a feeling of what it is like to play in that position.


Since I got stockfish running for the last feature the adaptation for endgames was quite easy. Now you can train endgames against stockfish. The number of chapters that can be trained is currently limited but I plan to add more.

Sound + Board Settings

I added sounds to listudy.

You can now also change the background of the chessboard.

Both these settings can be found under the Settings.


I have added achievements. These are little gimmicks to help discover the now growing number of features. You can find the achievements you already have on the achievements page.


I added the option to embed the custom tactics that you create. You can find out more on the embed custom tactics page.

This is also available as a wordpress plugin.



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