Queens Gambit
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Hello, and welcome to this study of the Queen's Gambit Declined, an eternally solid option against the popular Queen's Gambit opening. Stop them in their tracks with this solid formation.
This study is intended for beginning players looking for a good response to 1. d4, without having to memorize too much.
White 1.d4:
Follow my arrows the first time you see a move -- next time I won't help you!
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Progresso dos estudos
Queen's Gambit 🚫DECLINED🚫: 1. Decline the Gambit (0%)
Queen's Gambit 🚫DECLINED🚫: 2. Basic Development (0%)
Queen's Gambit 🚫DECLINED🚫: 3. Queenside Plan (0%)
Queen's Gambit 🚫DECLINED🚫: 4. Repetition! (0%)
Queen's Gambit 🚫DECLINED🚫: 5. What if they take on d5? (0%)
Queen's Gambit 🚫DECLINED🚫: 6. What if they take on d5, but earlier? (0%)
Queen's Gambit 🚫DECLINED🚫: 7. Memory check! (0%)
Queen's Gambit 🚫DECLINED🚫: 8. A quick plan in the exchange. (0%)
Queen's Gambit 🚫DECLINED🚫: 9. Back to that original line. (0%)
Queen's Gambit 🚫DECLINED🚫: 10. Final Test (0%)