Scandinavian (White)
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Working on my lines as white in 1.e4 d5!
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Progresso dos estudos
E4 vs Scandinavian: Qa5 (0%)
E4 vs Scandinavian: Qa5 P2 (0%)
E4 vs Scandinavian: Ng6 (0%)
E4 vs Scandinavian: Chapter 4 (0%)
E4 vs Scandinavian: Qd6 (0%)
E4 vs Scandinavian: Qd8 (0%)
E4 vs Scandinavian: Chapter 7 (0%)
E4 vs Scandinavian: Chapter 8 (0%)
French defense ( white ) : Burn variation (0%)
French defense ( white ) : Winawer Alt (0%)
French defense ( white ) : Rubinstein nf6 ( qxf ) (0%)
Sicilian ( white ) : Marshall Gambit (0%)
French defense ( white ) : Paulsen nc6 (0%)
French defense ( white ) : Rubinstein nc6 (0%)
French defense ( white ) : d6 b6 bb7 (0%)
French defense ( white ) : Mediterranean defense (0%)
French defense ( white ) : Rubinstein Blackburne ( nd7 ) (0%)
French defense ( White ) : e6 g6 Bg7 (0%)