Black vs rare openings
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White 1.Nf3:
In general, this is played for the KIA. Nf3 blocks e5 and allows an easy fianchetto.
By playing 1.c5, we "offer" to transpose to the Sicilian, but it is unlikely that they will do so.
We may also reach the English and a line of the Old Benoni defense with 2.Nf3.
Black response 1...c5:
We invite the Sicilian defense, but don't expect people to usually accept it, or they would have played 1.e4 in the first place.
vs Zukertort, vs Van Kruijs, vs 1.g3, vs Bird, vs Van Geet, vs Nimzo-Larsen
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Study Progress
Black vs rare openings: vs KIA (0%)
Black vs rare openings: vs KIA 2 (0%)
Black vs rare openings: vs Van Kruijs (0%)
Black vs rare openings: vs 1.g3 (0%)
Black vs rare openings: vs Bird (0%)
Black vs rare openings: Falkbeer (0%)
Black vs rare openings: vs Van Geet (0%)
Black vs rare openings: vs Nimzo-Larsen (0%)
Black vs rare openings: vs Nimzo 2 (0%)
Black vs rare openings: vs 1.b4 (0%)
Black vs rare openings: vs Grob (0%)