King's Gambit
Studies about the King's Gambit
Learn the King's Gambit using public studies.
Maximum ROI - King's Gambit and others
10 by marcusbuffettUsing data from 20 million Lichess games, this study features the most popular responses at the 1600+ level, across all time controls. Moves are included if you would be expected to reach the position in >0.5% of games.
Kings gambit Accepted Fischer Defense(d4 variation)//Black
7 by FarhanTejaniFischer Refutation to Kings gambit
King's Gambit main lines
5 by ChessPlayer873King's gambit main lines according to Lichess opening book
Play against Stockfish
Do you want to try out the King's Gambit? Train this opening against Stockfish.
Play against Stockfish either as white or black and explore the opening.