Owen Defense

Échiquier montrant Owen Defense avec les coups 1. e4 b6 joués
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Études sur Owen Defense

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The Modernized Owen Defence - Complete Repertoire
3 par Kampfschach

Welcome to my course of the Owen Defence. The Owen Defence is characterized by the move 1. e4 and of course b6. Black wants to fianchetto his bishop to b6 and keep the tension on the center. In the starting game of the Owen Defence black would usually be overwhelmed by white's expansion on the center. But with proper amends and theory the Owen Defence was once again made possible to play. Despite of it's reputation on the Chess World I do believe that this system is often underestimated. The Owen Defence is a very strong opening in which black tempts white to expand on the center as he should and then slowly but surely try and one by one attack it.

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