Catalan Opening

Échiquier montrant Catalan Opening avec les coups 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. g3 d5 joués
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Études sur Catalan Opening

Apprenez Catalan Opening à l'aide d'études publiques.

The basic Catalan
50 par d4player

Based on A nice study by GM Max Illingworth here:

15 par he1n

This is the Catalan opening, after the videos from hangingpawns

Catalan with all mainlines
6 par Erg0Proxy

This Containes the open and the closed catalan

A guide to Catalan
4 par CatalanSimp

This study is about the Catalan opening, resources of GM Georg Meier, GM Srinath Narayanan and GM Boris Avrukh and few chess videos. Rewritten by me, I highly DON'T recommend to anyone under 2000.

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