Bogo-Indian Defense

Échiquier montrant Bogo-Indian Defense avec les coups 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nf3 Bb4+ joués
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The original positional idea of Bogo-Indian is to exchange the black square bishops to fight against each other with d7-d6 and e6-e5 in the centre and to place the white centre pawns on white squares, namely on e4 and d5. A white bishop of white would then be slightly worse than the white bishop of black. It is therefore a question of the strategic concept of “good bishop vs. bad bishop”.

Études sur Bogo-Indian Defense

Apprenez Bogo-Indian Defense à l'aide d'études publiques.

Nimzo/Bogo Indian Defense
59 par Arne

This is a complete, in-depth opening repertoire for the solid Nimzo/Bogo Indian, suitable for players of all levels.

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