Garry Kasparov on My Great Predecessors
This book series is considered by many as the best chess book series. In it the former world chess champion Garry Kasparov talks about his predecessors.
In terms of favourites, Kasparov's My Great Predecessors' is pretty good.
>What are your top book recommendations for advanced chess players? (2200+) Garry Kasparov on My Great Predecessors, you understand the book better when you have 2350+
I grew up with Garry Kasparov’s book 'My Great Predecessors,' a bible for chess players, and I think that might be the reason why my intuition is so strong.
>Here are some of his recommended books: All Kasparov books starting from the My Great Predecessors Series
Yeah, I like [the series] too.
My Great Predecessors are nice
Another writer I love is Garry Kasparov especially the Great Predecessors series. The way he puts ideas into words is absolutely great.
This series has 5 parts. In it Garry Kasparov talks about his predecessors. Starting in the 1900 century and up to the chess world champion he overtook. Many grandmasters consider this book series to be the best. Even the current world chess champion Magnus Carlsen considers it to be one of the best chess books.