Avoiding Blunders
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Hello there! Welcome to my study on how to avoid blunders. The contents in this study were constructed by @FunnyAnimatorJimTV, with inspiration from GM Igor Smirnov from Remote Chess Academy. Feel free to leave thoughts and suggestions in the chat. Clicking the heart button below and checking out some of my other studies are appreciated! : ) https://lichess.org/study/by/funnyanimatorjimtv
Edit: Thank you EVERYONE for 260 loves!! I really appreciate all the support! : ) Can we reach 300? :o
White 1.e4:
A blunder is an extremely common reason for the devastating loss in the common amateur game. Therefore, if you can reduce the amount of huge mistakes made in your games, it will give a tremendously positive impact on the results of your playing, and will make your results much more consistent.
Obviously it is impossible to completely eliminate blunders from your chess playing. The best human players in the world even make blunders occasionally. This study is going to share some useful tips for you to help train yourself to catch blunders, avoid considering them and more. I hope you find this study useful!
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Progressi Studio
🚫 How to Avoid BLUNDERS 🚫: Introduction (0%)
🚫 How to Avoid BLUNDERS 🚫: Warm Up Before the Game (0%)
🚫 How to Avoid BLUNDERS 🚫: FOCUS on Chess. (0%)
🚫 How to Avoid BLUNDERS 🚫: AVOID Tactical Openings When your Opponent is Better Prepared (0%)
🚫 How to Avoid BLUNDERS 🚫: Better Safe Than Sorry (0%)
🚫 How to Avoid BLUNDERS 🚫: Tactical Example (0%)
🚫 How to Avoid BLUNDERS 🚫: The OPPONENT'S Plans (0%)
🚫 How to Avoid BLUNDERS 🚫: The ABC: Anti Blunder Check (0%)
🚫 How to Avoid BLUNDERS 🚫: Grasp the Initative (0%)
🚫 How to Avoid BLUNDERS 🚫: SIMPLIFY the Position When You Are Low on Time (0%)
Rated Blitz game (0%)
🚫 How to Avoid BLUNDERS 🚫: Final Notes (0%)