The Crushing O'Kelly Sicilian Defence: Full Repertoire
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One of the main ideas of this opening is to strike pawn to b5 and fianchetto black's light-squared bishop on b7, with e6 and Nf6. This study will be mainly game theory using various databases such as ChessBase and Lichess. The structures that come out of these positions are similar to the Taimanov, Kan, and occasionally (after 3.c3) the Alapin. This opening is easy to learn and very universal. Without further ado, enjoy this join publication between @TheForkPower and @ShreksGonGiveItToYa . Author's forword of ShreksGonGiveItToYa I'll add one more thing that needs to be addressed in the introduction. (Need to explain the Sicilian O'Kelly pardon me) Nf3 a6 this is a pretty rare remove for black and fortunately a little bit about it because I play this as black as well as a surprise weapon. This move a6, might look unsound but it does bycott heavy theoretical lines and also black gets a comfortable and flexible counterplay either on the queenside or the center.
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