Kings Indian for Rimar
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White 1.d4:
Welcome to my study on the King's Indian Defense, a very popular opening against 1. d4, played by all levels; from beginners to world champions. Some advocates include Fischer, Kasparov, Grischuk, and many others. In this chapter, we'll see the moves that characterize this interesting, positional, tactical, solid, aggressive, EXCITING opening. In the next few chapters, we'll look at the KEY IDEAS and variants, and in the last few chapters I have included some very instructional master games we can learn from. : )
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Black risposta 1...Nf6:
This is the most popular move against 1. d4. Black is only developing the knight, not yet telling the pawn structure he wants to build.
From here white has a few good moves. c4 is the main line, but white can also play Catalan or London System, in which I'm recommend you use the East Indian Defense, which I have made another study on:
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π King's Indian: Fantastic Opening: Introduction (3%)
π King's Indian: Fantastic Opening: Mainline: Classical Variation (0%)
π King's Indian: Fantastic Opening: The Kingside Attack (0%)
π King's Indian: Fantastic Opening: Queenside Knight (0%)
π King's Indian: Fantastic Opening: The Bishop Sacrifice! (0%)
π King's Indian: Fantastic Opening: Santagati - Williams ( Classical ) (0%)
π King's Indian: Fantastic Opening: The Bayonet Attack (0%)
π King's Indian: Fantastic Opening: Saemisch Variation (0%)
π King's Indian: Fantastic Opening: Averbakh Variation (0%)
π King's Indian: Fantastic Opening: Smyslov Variation (0%)
π King's Indian: Fantastic Opening: Fianchetto Variation (0%)
π King's Indian: Fantastic Opening: Four Pawns Variation (0%)
π King's Indian: Fantastic Opening: Sokolov Variation (0%)
π King's Indian: Fantastic Opening: Black Playing Early 4...O-O (0%)
π King's Indian: Fantastic Opening: Black's c5 Instead of e5 (0%)
π King's Indian: Fantastic Opening: White Playing exf5 (0%)
π King's Indian: Fantastic Opening: Bonafont - Gavriel ( Bayonet Attack ) (0%)
π King's Indian: Fantastic Opening: Ftacnik - Lubomir (0%)
π King's Indian: Fantastic Opening: ??? - ??? ( Classical ) (0%)
π King's Indian: Fantastic Opening: Ljubojevic - Kasparov (0%)
π King's Indian: Fantastic Opening: Kelley - Raptis (0%)
π King's Indian: Fantastic Opening: Kortschnoj - Williams (0%)
π King's Indian: Fantastic Opening: Anand - Nakamura (0%)
π King's Indian: Fantastic Opening: Kramnik - Kasparov (0%)
π King's Indian: Fantastic Opening: Jussupow - Kasparov (0%)
π King's Indian: Fantastic Opening: Beliavsky - Nakamura (0%)
π King's Indian: Fantastic Opening: Fulton - Gavriel (0%)
Casual Rapid game (0%)
Casual Rapid game (0%)
Casual Rapid game (0%)
Casual Rapid game (0%)
Casual Rapid game (0%)
Casual Blitz game (0%)
Casual Blitz game (0%)
π King's Indian: Fantastic Opening: How to Play Against KID? (0%)