Intro to Reti Variations
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Welcome to my study on the Reti Opening, a very good, flexible opening for the white pieces player. If you found this study useful and end up considering this opening, please click the heart button below to share the love! : )
White 1.Nf3:
The idea behind this early Nf3 move is that white makes a USEFUL developing move that doesn't exactly tell black what opening we will play! Depending on our opponent's response, white can play a variety of systems including King's Indian Attack, Classical English, Tennison Gambit, London System, East Indian, Smith Morra, Catalan Opening, Knight Tango, and a number of other things.
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๐ RETI OPENING - 1.Nf3 ๐: Introduction (0%)
๐ RETI OPENING - 1.Nf3 ๐: Interesting Plan With d4 (0%)
๐ RETI OPENING - 1.Nf3 ๐: Early c4 Move (0%)
๐ RETI OPENING - 1.Nf3 ๐: Catalan Opening (0%)
๐ RETI OPENING - 1.Nf3 ๐: Symmetrical King's Indian (0%)
๐ RETI OPENING - 1.Nf3 ๐: Symmetrical English (0%)
๐ RETI OPENING - 1.Nf3 ๐: Tennison Gambit (0%)
๐ RETI OPENING - 1.Nf3 ๐: Playing Reti As BLACK (0%)