Profilo di badatchess

badatchess è membro da 2021-03-07.

Studi pubblici di badatchess

Stafford Gambit

Stafford Gambit from Eric Rosen

Sicilian Kan Defence

This is a type of French Sicilian from black with 4. a3.

Alapin Sicilian - White

A counter to the Sicilian: the Alapin. When white plays 2. c3 to prepare d2-d4.

Orthoschnapp Gambit

pretty cool yup gotta get enough characters in this description

Benko Gambit

This is a study for the Benko Gambit.

Crush the Philidor Defense

A bunch of traps and tricks for white against the Philidor.

Weird Italian game (giuoco piano) stuff for white (4... d6)

When black doesn't respond with the mainline giuoco piano with 4... Nf6 but instead plays 4... d6.