The Vienna Game: Daring Variations
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Study Progress
Vienna Game - short and sweet: 2...Bc5 3.f4 - Risky ...exf4 + ...Qh4+ (0%)
Vienna Game - short and sweet: 2...Bc5 3.f4 - Greedy ...Bxg1 + ...Qh4+ (0%)
Vienna Game - short and sweet: 2...Bc5 3.f4 - King's Gambit Vienna with 6...Ng4?! 7.Ng5! (0%)
Vienna Game - short and sweet: 2...Bc5 3.f4 - King's Gambit Vienna with f4-f5 plan (0%)
Vienna Game - short and sweet: 2...Bc5 3.f4 - King's Gambit Vienna with 6...Bg4?! 7.Na4! (0%)
Vienna Game - short and sweet: 2...Bc5 3.f4 - King's Gambit Vienna with a solid 6...O-O a ) (0%)
Vienna Game - short and sweet: 2...Bc5 3.f4 - King's Gambit Vienna with a solid 6...O-O b ) (0%)
Vienna Game - short and sweet: 2...Nc6 3.g3 - White gets a pair of Bishops (0%)
Vienna Game - short and sweet: 2...Nc6 3.g3 - Premature ...h5-h4 (0%)
Vienna Game - short and sweet: 2...Nc6 3.g3 - Preserving the c5-Bishop with 6...a6 (0%)